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A member registered Feb 28, 2016

Recent community posts

Absolutely astounding work, definitely a lot of fun. Interesting gameplay, utterly gorgeous spritework, and a genuinely interesting story I'd be interested to see expanded! My only critiques are, as others have said, a gallery/scene viewer after completion would be convenient, and it would definitely be nice to have a bit more to the ending scenes. The capture animations are amazing, but it feels like they're lacking a little without some kind of bad end scene to accompany them - Definitely not as long as the dedicated instant ones, but just a text box or two to go along with the game over would add a TON.

As it stands though, this is terrific work for a free product. Definitely looking forward to any updates to this, or any project you make in the future!

Absolutely hyped, definitely gonna follow that one!

Fun little game with some great CGs! I'd absolutely buy a fleshed out version of this, but even just as is it was a really fun little experience. Excited to see what you come out with next!

this game sucks. it hurts my hand to play and the sections where you have to time your movement against random draculas are awful.

also i literally can't see what i'm typing in this comment because the font on the itch page is godawful and the colours are too bright. 10/10 if there's aw inner for this jam i'm terrified of it being anything other than this one because that would imply there's a game worse than this

awesome, tysm!! you made a really great little game here!

Love the concept of this, very dark and moody! Only complaint (other than it's hard and i can't beat it waaah) is that the turning seems a bit too fast/sensitive? I found myself spending most of my time overshooting exits I wanted to click on because I'd zoomed past them.

Simple but powerful, I like it!